My dances with flowers are complex, few being straight record shots, while others have called up all that I could muster by way of post-processing skills. The flower is always the center point, though I may depict my subjects in a variety of settings, some more tortured than others.

"Bee's Perspective", 2004

"Rose Door", Tuscany, 2007

"My World In A Drop", 2012

"Springmorning Kaleidoscope", 2020

"Grande Jeté", 2020

"White Dove", 2011

"Pas de Deux", 2020

"Pool Buddies", 2020

"Adrift In A Sea Of Dew", 2020

"Table For One", 2011

"Clivian Fantasy", 2020

"Pick Of The Show", 2020

"Rose Of Tuscany", 2020